
Welcome to the Vermehren Family Genealogy website. In this open section you will find general information ab out the origin of the Vermehren Family.

You will also be able to access genealogy details on this website, however, they are not public and only accessible after eligibility has been verified. To register, please click on the tab “Family Tree”.

Many individuals past and present have contributed to this endeavor and our gratitude goes to them. This is our first attempt to bring the records to the Internet to give all family members the opportunity to peruse the information and to hopefully complete missing data. If mistakes are discovered, we hope you will notify us so we can make corrections after the necessary validation of facts.

This site is currently heavily favoring the Lübecker Branch, and the website author’s line of ancestors, because this is where most of the information exists, primarily because this branch did the most family research and its members produced the most public records. However, other branches may have additional data and some have already provided a trove of information which will slowly be added to this site as time permits. It is after all a “work in progress”!

We hope to hear from you, whether praise and critique, both are welcome.